

2013年9月9日 星期一


  現狀—— 降低關稅後,車價仍翻3倍
  以4.4L的2014款寶馬M6 Gran Coupe基本版車型為例,這款車在北美售價為115225美元(約合人民幣約72.6萬元),記者在寶馬官網上查詢該車型指導價為239.5萬元人民幣。售價翻倍約在3.2倍左右。
  算賬—— 進口車要交的稅費貴過車價
  接下來,資訊時報記者就以凱迪拉克品牌下的凱雷德2010款6.0 Hybrid為例計算。目前這款凱雷德標配車在國內的廠家指導價為139.8萬元,而此款車在原產地美國的售價,標配價格為73425美元。扣除毛利,一輛車出廠價約為7萬美元,折合人民幣約為45萬元。加上海外運輸成本(包括海運和美國當地運輸)等約為2000美元(約為1.3萬元人民幣),此款凱雷德到岸價則為46.3萬元人民幣。需要繳納關稅11.58萬元,消費稅38.58萬元,增值稅16.4萬元。在繳納完25%的關稅、40%的消費稅和17%的增值稅之後,成本價已攀升至112.86萬元。而辦理商檢等各種報關手續也需要一定的費用,大概在2萬元左右,至於國內運輸、倉儲等費用則約為1萬元。
  由此可以算出,一輛凱雷德2010款6.0 Hybrid其成本價大概為115.86萬元人民幣,到達國內代理商定價前,減去車型本身的出廠價45萬元,該車型稅費加上各項費用成本為70.86萬元,也即相當於車價的1.5倍左右。
  300萬元左右的豪車 代理商利潤最高可達50萬
  200多萬元的豪車 經銷商每台車最多賺20萬

2013年9月1日 星期日


For other types of motorized vehicles, see Motor vehicle. For other uses, see Car (disambiguation), Automobile (disambiguation), and Cars (disambiguation).
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Benz "Velo" model (1894) by German inventor Carl Benz – entered into an early automobile race as a motocycle[1][2]
Classification Vehicle
Industry Various
Application Transportation
Fuel source Gasoline, Diesel, Electric, Hydrogen, Solar energy
Powered Yes
Self-propelled Yes
Wheels 3–4
Axles 1–2
Inventor Ferdinand Verbiest

Vehicles in use per country from 2001 to 2007. It shows the significant growth in BRIC.

World map of passenger cars per 1000 people
A car is a wheeled, self-powered motor vehicle used for transportation. Most definitions of the term specify that cars are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods.[3][4] The year 1886 is regarded as the birth year of the modern car. In that year, German inventor Karl Benz built the Benz Patent-Motorwagen. Cars did not become widely available until the early 20th century. One of the first cars that was accessible to the masses was the 1908 Model T, an American car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company. Cars were rapidly adopted in the United States of America, where they replaced animal-drawn carriages and carts, but took much longer to be accepted in Western Europe and other less-developed parts of the world.
Cars are equipped with controls used for driving, parking, and passenger comfort and safety. New controls have also been added to vehicles, making them more complex. Examples include air conditioning, navigation systems, and in car entertainment. Most cars in use today are propelled by an internal combustion engine, fueled by deflagration of gasoline (also known as petrol) or diesel. Both fuels are known to cause air pollution and are also blamed for contributing to climate change and global warming.[5] Vehicles using alternative fuels such as ethanol flexible-fuel vehicles and natural gas vehicles are also gaining popularity in some countries.
Road traffic accidents are the largest cause of injury-related deaths worldwide.[6] The costs of car usage, which may include the cost of: acquiring the vehicle, repairs and auto maintenance, fuel, depreciation, driving time, parking fees, taxes, and insurance,[7] are weighed against the cost of the alternatives, and the value of the benefits – perceived and real – of vehicle usage. The benefits may include on-demand transportation, mobility, independence and convenience.[8] The costs to society of encompassing car use, which may include those of: maintaining roads, land use, pollution, public health, health care, and of disposing of the vehicle at the end of its life, can be balanced against the value of the benefits to society that car use generates. The societal benefits may include: economy benefits, such as job and wealth creation, of car production and maintenance, transportation provision, society wellbeing derived from leisure and travel opportunities, and revenue generation from the tax opportunities. The ability for humans to move flexibly from place to place has far-reaching implications for the nature of societies.[9]